By default in Office 365, when a new Public Folder is created it gets assigned an email address as follows:

So what do we do if we want the default reply address to look like the rest of our company emails?

This requires us to connect to the Office 365 server and make a change to Email Address Policy. To do this we must connect using Powershell.

Note: You should have already created the public folder at this point


Step 1: Connecting to Office 365 with Powershell


This requires us to connect to the Office 365 server and make a change to Email Address Policy. To do this we must run the following commands.
Note: You should have already created the public folder at this point

Open Powershell.

PS C:>$UserCredential = Get-Credential

This will prompt for the admin accounts login details.
Eg: admin@<companyURL> (Unless another user has been assigned admin)


Step 2: Create a Session


PS C:> $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection

PS C:> Import-PSSession $Session

We should now have established a connection to the Exchange server. Now we need to run the command that will disable the Email Address Policy.


Step 3: Disable Email Address Policy


PS C:> Set-MailPublicFolder -Identity "\<foldername>" -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $False

Note: Don’t forget to change the folder name to the public folder in which you are removing the Email Address Policy


Step 4: Kill Session with Server


Once you have disabled the policy it is important to kill the session with the Exchange server. To this we run the following command.

PS C:> Remove-PSSession $Session


Step 5: Adding a new reply address in Exchange Control Panel (ECP)


Login into Office 365 and go to Outlook settings.
Go to public folders > public folders

Click on a public folder (next to the link, not on the link) to select it then click the "Edit" link above the Public Folders list.


Step 6: Make this the Reply Address


Now because of the Powershell command we run earlier we can tick the option to make this our reply address.